The GeoGebra Interface

The GeoGebra window as shown below is capable of simultaneously displaying algebraic, geometric, and numeric representations of mathematical objects. A function, for example, can be viewed as a graph, an equation, and a table.

external image parts-of-geogebra.png

Parts of GeoGebra

  • Menu bar – used for managing files, modifying preferences, and customizing settings.
  • Toolbar – used for constructing and modifying mathematical objects.
  • Graphics view – used for displaying geometric representations of mathematical objects
  • Algebra view – used for displaying algebraic representations of mathematical objects.
  • Input bar – used for inputting equations and performing mathematical computations

What is GeoGebra?

GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software that joins algebra, geometry statistics, calculus, table and graphing in one easy-to-use package. GeoGebra can be used to construct mathematical objects such as points, vectors, segments, lines, polygons, conic sections, and functions, geometrically (using the mouse) or algebraically (using the keyboard). These objects can be entered and modified directly on screen or through the command line.

Here are some features of GeoGebra:

  • Graphics, algebra, and tables are connected and fully dynamic
  • Easy to use interface, yet many powerful features
  • Authoring tool to create interactive learning materials such as web pages
  • Available in many languages
  • Free, open-source, and runs in multiple platforms

GeoGebra was created by Markus Hohewarter in 2001, and is now continually developed by a team of international programmers.

Intermediate GeoGebra Tutorials

GeoGebra Tutorials – Intermediate Leve


Official Web Page



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