Tutorial 4 – Graph, Text, and Latex

Objective: To construct graphs of linear and quadratic functions.
Tools: Insert Text


No Tool Instructions
Open GeoGebra. Use the View menu to display the coordinate axes.
Type y = – x + 4 to construct a line passing through A and B.
Type f(x) = 0.5x^2 – 4.5x + 9 to construct a parabola passing through points A and B.
To construct the intersection, type A = (2,2) and B = (5,-1) in the input bar and press the ENTER key after each equation.
5 text.png We label the graphs. To label the graph of the quadratic function, click the Insert Text tool, and click on the Graphics view near the graph of the quadratic function to display the Text dialog box.
In the text dialog box, type f(x) = 0.5x^2 – 4.5x + 9 in the Edit text box, then click the Latex formula check box to check it, and then click the OK button. Notice what happens to the text.
Now, label the graph of the linear function and the coordinates of A and B with (2,2) and (5,-1) respectively.

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